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Our Focus for the 2023-2024 school year

Through student surveys, questioning, and the analysis of student identity maps, it was determined that the following would be our school focus for the 2023-2024 school year:

How can we help students strengthen their sense of self and their place in the world using the Personal & Social Core Competency as our guide? We would begin with a particular focus on the following facets of the Positive Personal and Cultural Identity sub-competency:

  • Understanding relationships and cultural contexts - "Students understand that their relationships and cultural contexts help to shape who they are. This includes culture in its broadest sense, including how one identifies in terms of ethnicity, nationality, language(s), abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, geographic region, and religious or spiritual beliefs. Students explore who they are in terms of their relationship to others and their relationship to the world (people and place) around them."
  • Recognizing personal values and choices - "Students define who they are by what they value. They understand how what they value has been influenced by their life experiences. They identify how their values help to shape their choices, in all contexts of their lives."
  • Identifying personal strengths and abilities - "Students acknowledge their strengths and abilities, and they intentionally consider these as assets, helping them in all aspects of their lives. Students understand that they are unique and are a part of larger, and often multiple, communities. They explain how they are using their strengths and abilities in their families, their relationships, and their communities."

Action statement:

1. Using these core competencies as a lens through which we look at all school planning

2. Emphasizing these core competencies in our planning and teaching

3. Having students self-assess in these areas regularly

4. Making the school community aware of our focus through regular examples of the school story in action

Evidence statement:

We know that our work with learners is making a difference when students are able to articulate what they are learning and demonstrate growth.