Our Story in Action
School Story in Action 2023-2024
An Introduction to the First People’s Principles of Learning
The First Peoples Principles of Learning describes a set of learning principles specific to First Peoples. These were articulated by Indigenous Elders, scholars, and knowledge keepers to guide the development of the curriculum created by the BC Ministry of Education and First Nations Education Steering Committee.
They represent an attempt to identify common elements in the varied teaching and learning approaches that prevail within particular First Nations societies. It must be recognized that they do not capture the full reality of the approach used in any single First Peoples’ society.
From The First Nations Education Steering Committee www.fnesc.ca
December 22, 2023
We would like to highlight our Library Learning Commons where we have a thoughtful and deliberate collection of diverse and inclusive books that reflect our school and greater community. Many of these books are available at our local public library and you may be interested in checking them out over the winter break.
“When there are enough books available that can act as both mirrors and windows for all our children, they will see that we can celebrate both our differences and our similarities, because together they are what make us all human.” Source: By Rudine Sims Bishop, The Ohio State University.
This links to our School Story focus in the following way:
Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story.
Learning requires exploration of one’s identity.
(First Peoples Principles of Learning)
December 15, 2023
This week, we would like to highlight the Rainbow Club. The Rainbow Club is a safe and inclusive space where students may get together to play games, build with Lego and Keva, draw, do crafts and read. They can interact with peers and adults from different classes and grades.
A Rainbow Club is a GSA (Gay, Straight Alliance or Gender and Sexuality Awareness) for an elementary school community. It provides a safe and supportive space for all including: 2SLGBTQA+ students, allies, those who have questions and are curious, those who need a space to be and those who want to join the activities.
This links to our School Story focus in the following way:
Learning requires exploration of one’s identity.
(First Peoples Principles of Learning)