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The Week Ahead, Nov 27 - Dec 1

November 27 – December 1



SCHOOL:  608-668-6660






December 4

PAC Meeting


December 5

BURR Sweater Day


December 8

Holiday Sweater Day

Hot Lunch (Hi-Five)


December 12

Immunizations (grade 6)


December 13

Band Concert (div 1, 2, 3, 4)


December 14

Treat Day







Monday, November 27

  • First Rainbow Club (lunch time in the gym)


Tuesday, November 28

  • BURR Sweater Day
  • Grade 6/7 Volleyball game (2:45pm)


Thursday, November 30

  • Treat Day


Friday, December 1

  • Food Drive begins



  • We will be collecting donations for our Annual Food Drive from Dec 1 to Dec 19th.  The Richmond Food Bank’s most needed items are:  canned protein, peanut butter, canned vegetables and fruit, rice, pasta, soup and healthy tinned meals.  We would like to feed as many families as we can this year.


  • Our Annual Holiday Band Concert will take place on Wednesday, December 13th at 10:45 in the gym. Please note that only divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be performing.  Families are invited to attend, note that seating will be limited.


  • A reminder to all parents that filming or taking pictures of students outside, during school hours is not allowed.


  • Parents/Caregivers received an email from the District on Nov 15th, requesting they opt-in to a new SMS/text messaging feature.  This is being implemented to improve the ability to deliver time sensitive information to you, including emergency notifications.  To opt-in, please send a text message with a Y or Yes to 978338, before Nov 30th.




School Clubs


11:50 Mondays            Rainbow Club in the gym


8:00 Fridays                 Breakfast Club in the gym


11:50 Fridays               Yarn Club in the library






Purdy’s fundraiser:   please have orders in by November 27 (Monday)  

Pickup on December 12 (Tuesday).



School Story in Action 2023-2024 


November 24, 2023 

 This week we would like to feature a daily routine called a “soft start.” Each morning in Division 7, students begin by preparing their mind, body, and environment for the school day. This could be finding a calm activity to do on their own or finding a safe space to check in with others. Part of their soft start is mindfulness time.  During mindfulness time, they get their bodies and minds calm and ready for the day. The time is used engaging in a topic they are currently interested in or setting their intention and tone for the day.  

 This links to our School Story focus in the following way: 

Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place). 

(First Peoples Principles of Learning) 



Updated: Friday, November 24, 2023