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The Week Ahead Mar 31 - Apr 4

MAR 31 – Apr 4



SCHOOL:  604-668-6660






April 7

PAC Meeting


April 10

Treat Day $ 1


April 17

Hot Lunch - Tealips


April 18

Good Friday

(school not in session)


April 21

Easter Monday

(school not in session)









Monday, March 31

  • Be You Club (lunchtime in the gym)


Wednesday, April 2

  • Games Club, grades 4-7 (lunchtime in the library)


Thursday, April 3

  • Group Photos (starting at 9:00am)


Friday, April 4

  • Yarn Club (11:50am in the library)
  • Hot Lunch - Pizza



  • Please visit the calendar on our school website to stay updated on our future events.


  • Classroom and group photos will take place on Thursday, April 3rd.  They will begin promptly at 9:00am so please have your child at school on time, so that they don’t miss out on their class photos.


  • Hot Lunch ordering for the rest of the year is now open!  Please use our normal link on Fantuan:


  • Please remember that hot lunch orders need to be entered one week prior to the hot lunch date.  For our first hot lunch after Spring Break, on April 4th, orders will need to be entered by Friday, March 28th.  Note that the following hot lunches occur on a Thursday, so orders will need to be in by the Thursday prior:  April 17, May 15 and June 26th.








School Story in Action 2024-2025 


March 14  

February is Black History month. Division 9 used their yearlong project focusing on identity (connecting to our school study on who we are and our names) as a starting point to talk about race. Race is an important part of who we are and our identity.  

  Division 9 explored Black History Month through read alouds, art projects, discussions, and a research poster project. Using credible websites such as CBC Kids and National Geographic Kids, the students researched important black figures in Canadian (and American) history. They practiced peaceful collaboration during the research process by taking turns and listening deeply to each other's ideas. The students then collected important facts, created portraits, wrote titles, and placed the poster elements in a clear and aesthetically pleasing manner. After their collaborative work, the students practiced the public speaking skills of reading their poster projects fluently and facing their audience while presenting. The class eventually shared their projects with Division 7 after lots of practice!  

  The class decided to dive deeper and learn more about one of these influential historical figures, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and created their own Basquiat inspired portraits. 


This links to our School Story focus in the following way:  

  • Steves is a safe learning community where we strive to:  
  • create a sense of belonging 
  • work together 

(Steves School Lens) 





























Updated: Friday, March 14, 2025