The Week Ahead Apr 22 - 26
May 2 Treat Day – popsicles for $ 1
May 6 PAC Meeting
May 7 Music in our Schools Gateway Theatre
May 9 Welcome to Kindergarten event
May 10 Hot Lunch – Taco Luis Spring Fling
Monday, April 22
Tuesday, April 23
Thursday, April 25
Friday, April 26
Tru Earth - purchase eco-friendly cleaning products.
Tru Earth is offering all Steves Parents 30% off your entire order by using the discount code STRIP at checkout. The school will still receive 20% of the amount you spend after the discount.
COBS Bread at Blundell Center - tell them that you want a portion of your purchase to go to Steves Elementary
Return-It Express - Print labels at their kiosk using the school phone number (604-668-6660) then affix to your clear-plastic bag filled with drink containers. Drop the bag in the window and the PAC receives the funds!
School Story in Action 2023-2024
April 19, 2024
We would like to continue to share our collaborative work in our Library Learning Commons (LLC). Division 11 has focused on the First People’s principle that learning requires the exploration of one's identity.
As part of our school story and part of the JEDI inquiry grant, we have a focus on identifying personal strengths and abilities. Our goal is to encourage students to identify and acknowledge their strengths and abilities, and to activate students’ voices.
Students had the opportunity to think about and to say who they are to the world around them. Students selected one word, creating an image and then a symbol to represent one part of their identity. Using the Spiral of Inquiry framework, students returned to their Identity Maps multiple times to reflect on, add or change their words.
This links to our School Story focus in the following way:
Learning requires exploration of one‘s identity.
(First Peoples Principals of Learning)