The Week Ahead, Nov 6 - 10
November 13 Remembrance Day (school not in session)
November 14 6/7 Volleyball game at Steves
November 16 Treat Day 6/7 Volleyball game at Steves
November 17 Garage Sale
November 20 Pro D Day (school not in session)
November 24 Hot Lunch (White Spot)
Monday, November 6
Tuesday, November 7
Friday, November 10
Please sign up on MunchaLunch for a table at the Garage Sale on November 17. Sell your old toys, books, clothes, etc. and find new treasures!
Next Friday, November 10, will be the next Movie Night! The kids will vote on the movie starting Monday. Please sign up to volunteer!
We have a new fundraiser with Neufeld Farms! Order some delicious, gourmet frozen foods for the holidays.
Child Care Strategy Input
The City of Richmond is developing a 10 year Child Care Strategy and is seeking input from Richmond residents, parents, guardians, caregivers and child care providers.
· The strategy will provide a framework to ensure high-quality, accessible and affordable child care options continue to be available in Richmond.
· Visit for more information and to share your input via an online survey. This engagement opportunity is open until Sunday, November 26, 2023
Erase Family Sessions
There is an attachment to this email regarding the erase Family Sessions. There are 3 available online training sessions in November on “Establishing Safe, Caring, & Respectful Digital Communities” designed to help families navigate the use of technology at home. These sessions are free and available to all.
School Story in Action 2023-2024
November 2, 2023
Each week, we will try to share a part of our School Story and how it applies to our community's daily learning. Our School Story is based on the Core Competencies found in the BC Curriculum and a focus on The First Peoples Principles of Learning.
This week we would like to highlight the Volleyball Team. The Volleyball Team is a safe space for grade 6 and 7 students to learn how to be part of a team and have an opportunity to try something new. It is a place for students of all abilities to learn everything from being good sports to volleyball skills. This space has been thoughtfully designed to be gender neutral and accepting of neuro diversity.
This links to our School Story focus in the following way:
Learning involves patience and time. (First Peoples Principles of Learning)